Design principles

Visual identity

(Here we explain how and why we arrived at our current design. The page ‘Style guide’, explains how to actually use it.)

The visual identity of The Coffee Virus is a result of our mission and actively brings our brand to life. Our current design originated out of the flavorshapes we created together with our customers, combined with the shapes of old Lab Forms. (The first Coffee Virus is located in an old Shell laboratorium)
The design is build up in a flexible way, so for every medium and mood it can be adjusted so it fits the purpose just right. Within our style, endless possibilities and variations are possible.


Democratic design

You can’t argue about taste. That is why we asked our guests to visualize their experience of sweet, sour and bitter on our flavorcarts. Talking taste!

1. Flavor visible

Out of the flavorcart experiment we filtered the happy shapes that er displayed above. Not only do we provide flavors from which our guests can choose, we also help them to visualize flavor and remember it. We make flavor visible!


2. Flavor calls out to you

More than meets the eye. In the flavorshapes you could recognize a happy smiling emoticon 😉

a stunning 47% of our amazing guests pictured taste as a very distinctive emotion. Baby why are you so bitter? Cry me a river!

3. The flavor is spreading

Put together in large quantities our flavorshapes could create Virus like patterns which can be used as a shiny happy background on every on or offline outing. There are no absolute rules in how to use them, they’re flexibel. Always think about new ways how the shapes can serve your purpose! Make art not war.

Lab forms

The basic layout in our design is based on the layout of old forms, often used in labs to document an experiment. Our logo itself is inspired by the lab form as well: straight forward, simple and plain.


The Logo is the take of point in every outing of our design. From there lines are spreading into different directions, accordingly to the medium we present it on.


Basically we never settle on one kind of colour, we play around with them and decide, according to the context, which one we use that specific time. To keep alive that old lab form feeling we decided on using washed out colours as backgrounds. For the overlaying writing we often use the darker variation of the same colour.


Plain and a bit sloppy

To emphasize the old lab form feeling we use different layers

  • A layer with the logo, lines and label (1 colour)
  • Een titel laag. Groot en met effect.
  • Een bodytekst laag. Door het courier font te gebruiken geven we het een typemachine gevoel. Door de tekst ietstje schuin te plaatsen of juist over de lijntjes te zetten geven we het gevoel dat het formulier net iets schuin in de typemachine zat.