
Tone of voice in visual action

Please, for a moment, picture an image where lustrous flavors are flowing through a cozy cafe and automatically connects all the shiny happy people that are working there. Yeah? Got it in mind? Great. Keep it there and start searching for it in the real world because this is exactly the feeling we want to express in our visual expressions.

By any means feel free to experiment and make use of your own creative voice. Keep in mind that we don’t want to be just another coffee place. Please, not too many pictures of shining espresso machines or latte art. People know we have those anyway. That’s not what we’re about.


-Preferable we don’t go for posed shots with forced smiles. Search for positive energy that is unforced. Try to find those hidden moments where people have real fun, work concentrated or take that first sip of that coffee they so craved.
-It would be so cool if our symbols kept returning. There are no absolute rules, be creative in how you use them. (See examples below)
-Does your photo shows a connection, either to another person, a Coffee Virus product or maybe even God?
-Be as witty as you possible can. For example, empty cups can be extremely pleasant to look at (see example below)
-Consider your angle and framework. If it were te be just a little different from ordinary, we won’t mind at all.

Some examples

Dirty cups full of consumed connections  after a busy day
portraits that convey a sense of positivism and enthusiasm

Different ways how our patterns keep returning


Of course our food is delicious, we already established that. Making it look delicious on photo is, however, a different matter all together. Some preparation is required to give it that “I Want this food right now!” glow. Take a look at the checklist below before you start clicking away at the food, it will sure help you to create a great picture.


-Natural lighting, overexposure and saturation are often your friends
-To make life more easy you can use a tripod and position the camera straight above your delicious food
-Keep it cozy. People shouldn’t be scared of dipping in
-Lines, lines, lines. We love symmetry, make use of it.
-The lens sees everything. The food should be fresher than your outfit and brighter than your aura in order to pull of an amazing photo.
-Are the Coffee Virus patterns present in the picture?
-Don’t work alone. One person in charge of the food, one of the styling and one of taking the actual picture is a great way to handle it.

Some examples