Selecting, recruiting and implementing new staff

  1. constructing a firm base of diverse platforms where we find employees. Our vacancy content can be top notch but if it doesn’t reach the right people it is wasted energy. We need to create a smart use of social media en career websites and maybe invest some time and money in this process to make sure we reach and attract the right people. It might be the best way to personalize the content if we find the right kind of people.

    (This is for Lucas)

  2. Create the right content. For every position within TCV we need to create an job description list. We need to create a standart and workable form for a killer vacancy letters. This right content wil create an interest in TCV from the right candidates (which we already have established through handling step 1)
    (This is for Milan)
  3. The MOST important part of the process. Convincing the candidate that TCV is the place where the absolutely want to work. We need to create a way of interviewing, following op through email, do whatever we need to do to show how great the position and the company is. Usually people need to be activated to leave an old job or favor us over a different one. This process must be crystallized from receiving their first reaction on our vacancy letter all the way up to the signing of the contract. We must come up with a standardized process, interview technique, forms for answering emails, always answering within a set amount of time, keep selling the position and the company in every step of the way, be creative about how we handle it.(The development of this process is something for the whole marketing team to create.Might be interesting to contact some people experience in this workfield to help us on the way)


  1. In the same way that we need to create a standard process from applying all the way up to signing the contract, we also need to create a process for the training month. Every day should have a special theme, same as every week does. After this month the new colleague is not only capable of handling the operations, they know about the mission of TCV, they feel at home, have got to known the whole TCV team, have made a start with the assignment which comes with their job and are already helping TCV to move closer to our BHAG.(The development of this process is something for the whole marketing team to create.)