How to write a job vacancy letter

First and foremost

Now look, the ultimate goal is to find people we love and who love us. True love is boundless and knows no rules. However, on a first date we always present an image of ourselves which shows the best and most desirable parts of our being. Precisely because of this reason our vacancy letter should be sexy and sell the job position at hand, as well as The Coffee Virus in general.

Keep in mind that a vacancy letter is something different all together than a job description list. This list can accompany the vacancy, but is mostly just used internally to state all the obligations that come with the job. A dryly written list of personal qualities won’t attract people in the dating circuit.

In line of this thought, we also don’t like to include a boring list about what we’re expecting in terms of for instance, experience, education or level of reasoning. Still we want people applying who are fit for the job, so be smart about your writing.  For instance, all of our job offers come with an extra, exiting assignment. Formulating this assignment in such a way that makes clear what kind of basic skills a person should have to work for The Coffee Virus is the subtle trick for writing an intelligent letter.

To find people we love and who love us we composed a set of guiding rules to help shape a Coffee Virus vacancy letter so that first date will be as smooth as a bottle of red wine and Marvin Gaye singing Sexual Healing in the background.

How to build up this sexy vacancy letter of ours

(Let’s start with a title that encompasses the type of job we are looking for and the special assignment we attach to it. It has to be an exiting invitation to read the whole letter)

(Address the applicant Coffee Virus style. Open, friendly and a little seductive)

(With the title you create an interest for our vacancy and with this first paragraph you ensure that the applicant is so exited that she or he will keep reading to the end no matter what. Mention only two or three reasons why this job is awesome and don’t go into detail just yet, this is only to attract undivided attention.)

(In this second paragraph we introduce ourselves. Tell the applicant about our mission, BHAG, values, how long we are in business and the social structure in our organization. After reading this the applicant already wants to be a part of the development of our organization. Try to bundel all this into a maximum of five sentences)

(During the third paragraph we really go in depth and sell the unique cool qualities that come with the job. Focus on the special assignment that really sets us apart from other boring job vacancies. If for instance we were to hire a new main barista we would take about the opportunity to roast our own Coffee Virus beans and that the position allows the barista to spend one day a week away from the day to day operations to focus on this. Always include the time frame in which the assignment must be finished. Imply that this assignment is essential in the development of the company already mentioned in the previous paragraph.)

(Now finally we have to talk a little bit about standard stuff. But make it fun. In this fourth alinea mention working hours (which are unique in hospitality,) salary, interesting coworkers and the amazing free coffee you can consume)

(The fifth paragraph is all about our unique locations. Give a quick description about the fact that we’re always placed  in the heart of a working and or learning communities. Make sure that the applicant understand how cool and buzzing these locations are and how many connections and new network possibilities one can acquire when one is open to it.)

(This sixt paragraph gives the applicant an overview what to expect of the interview and the hiring process afterwards. Also mention the cozy insurance of our training month, in which you will get to know the whole team, come to a quick understanding of the day to day operation and are informed further about our values and dreams while drinking amazing coffee so that they will feel at home from the first morning they set food in our cafe.The main thing is that they feel welcome and nourished after reading this.)

(The very last paragraph. Give a short summary of the three main points why this job is awesome and specify how and where the applicant can apply)

(End with a informal, seductive and suggestive Coffee Virus good bye.)

Speak in our voice

When writing consider our tone of voice in every sentence. Make it snappy and sexy. Don’t use all those empty terms that are usually found within vacancy letters. Keep it real, clear and and exiting. In terms of lay out it, obviously, should be in line with our style guide.
