Writing for socials

Happy marriage

Now seeing as that your reading this, you’re probably going to write for The Coffee Virus. Congratulations, you so cool!

We want to preserve that coolness, so don’t be stifled too much about the rules of how to communicate with the outside world. Rather, consider yourself to be in a happy relationship with The Coffee Virus. Use your own creative voice and marry that to the way of communicating already established within The Coffee Virus. Everybody should win!

That is why the points in the next checklist are more like guidelines than actual rules. Just give it a quick read through before diving into that magic world of online content.

Checklist for online posts

  1. Have you implemented that snappy tone of our voice?
  2. Is it short? Is it clear?
  3. Do the visuals have the right size?
  4. #hashtags#correct#cool#happy
  5. Is your post kind of fitting in with the already existing online content?
  6. Would the copy arouse your own interest?
  7. Are you inviting people to respond and react to the post in a positive way?
  8. Doesn’t your post harm anything or anyone?
  9. Could the coffee cravings bé any higher after reading your post?


Created a piece of content? You rock! Is there one of the questions above you have to answer with a definite no? Maybe you need to give your post a small revision. Answered a solid yes to everything? Rock on my love, public that shit!

Some inspiration